As requested by Dr. Watson (Philadelphia surgeon),Earl had a CT scan done yesterday. Results later. He went for a stomach scope today (also at Dr. W's orders) to check for ulcers that might have resulted from the Whipple surgery. The procedure had to be aborted due to food still in his stomach from yesterday. Dr. said this is not uncommon following the type of surgery he had. So, he is rescheduled to go back to try again next Friday. He will be on clear liquids for 24 hours before Friday. His appt. is at 6:30 a.m!!
While Dr. was inserting the scope today, he noticed what he suspects is Barrett's esophagus.
This link explains. Barretts
Dr. will take biopsy next Friday, when he re-does the stomach scope.
Here we go again???
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Today's stomach scope aborted
Posted by
12:56 AM
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Back to Philadelphia
Earl thought he was going to repeat last weeks canceled flight. After a hint of mechanical problems, pilot announced that the problem had been corrected and they would depart. Two weeks in a row? Not a real confidence builder!
Earl did make it to Fox Chase for his appointment with Dr. Watson. Everything looks good. Doctor has ordered a CT Scan and scope of his stomach. Scope is to look for ulcers, which can be a result of the surgery.
Earl is to go back on June 18th for his one year checkup. Locally, Earl was to see oncologist three times a year. Dr. Watson wants him checked four times, so he will be checked here every three months. Not sure if this will be just blood work or if some sort of scans will be done. Either way, it is comforting that the doctors will be keeping a closer watch on him.
Dr. Watson seemed pleased that Earl's CA19-9 was low, but stated this did not mean he might not have a recurrence. You might say he was "cautiously optimistic". IF.... he makes it to the two year anniversary, that will be a HUGE milestone. Apparently, pancreatic cancer most often recurs within two years.
Earl went up on the third floor where he spent his two stays at Fox Chase. He visited with the nurses at both the North and South nurses stations. He enjoyed seeing everyone. He was just glad he wasn't staying this time! No offense, ladies!
A man standing nearby heard Earl as he was telling the nurses he was cancer free. He later spoke to Earl, telling him his wife was having a very difficult time with her radiation for lung cancer. Earl offered to speak to her, which seemed to please the man. Turned out Earl had been in the very room and bed that his wife occupied now. She seemed to appreciate Earl's story and his words of encouragement. We pray Mrs. Taylor will be a survivor, too.
I wish I had been able to go with Earl, but I exhausted all my sick leave, when I took three weeks off for his surgery. I intend to go with him when he returns in June. It will be good to see everyone again.
We hope you will continue to pray for Earl as he travels further down his road to complete remission. We give thanks daily for Earl's survival to this point. We are very thankful for all your prayers and encouragement. You have been such an important part of the last nine months. Thank you!
He has already started into what looks like a very hectic tax season. I hope he will be able to pace himself and not overtax himself. Pun intended! ;-)
Posted by
10:31 AM
Friday, January 11, 2008
Flight canceled, Dr appt rescheduled
All passengers were on-board waiting for take-off. Then one of the pilots announced weather conditions, time to travel, etc. The usual announcements before take-off. Then, passengers were told there was a mechanical problem. They were asked to get off the plane and wait in the terminal where they would be more comfortable. They waited.... and waited..... finally the flight was canceled.
Some passengers were re-routed, but Earl had to call Drs office to re-schedule because none of the available flights would get him to Philly in time for his appt.
Now, he has appt and flight scheduled for next Wednesday. It'll probably snow next week!
Oh, well. The nurse told Earl they have time available on all Wednesdays in January. So, he'll make one of them.
Posted by
7:04 AM
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
He's off to Philly to see the Doctor
Earl continues to recover from the effects of his radiation, which ended Dec. 26th. His last tumor marker count was 3. (Normal is anything below 35.) During the last couple weeks of radiation and chemo pills, Earl did have redness in his hands. His right hand would swell for several hours during the day. His right thumb actually split open on the center of the end near the thumbnail. The place was about 3/8" long.
He's flying to Philadelphia, PA today for checkup with the surgeon, Dr. Watson. It will be interesting to learn what the good Doctor has to say now. His long term predictions back in June were not very encouraging. The odds of beating pancreatic cancer are just not very good.
Earl will be back home late this evening.
Posted by
7:13 AM