Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Update on Aunt Lillian from Jack

Email from Jack Crossley 9/25/07:

Hi to all, just got home from the hospital. I had to take Mom to the hospital Sunday night around midnight. She was very weak again. She is very anemic. The stomach tumor seems to be bleeding again. They are going to go look inside with the endoscope on Tuesday afternoon, (today) to see if the tumor is the cause.
Mom has been doing well with her treatments up this point. We will let you know as soon as we get the results. So far she has only taken 2 units of blood this time, it was 11 units last time, I'm sure this will change.
That is about all for now. Everyone else is doing good. Ben is getting around very well, he is even doing some light work now. He may need another small graft in winter to close one small area and to repair the area on calf were they took tissue for his toe.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Band practice

The Knoxville Community Recreational Band began practice last night for their new performance season. They practice in a school, so must limit their practice time to days when school is in session. They practice on Tuesday evenings.

Earl went to practice with them and was greeted enthusiastically by everyone. I think a lot of them had written him off as a goner! Some stated they did not think he would ever be back. They asked him to tell about his ordeal, so he spent a few minutes telling the group about his last five months.

He came home tired, but excited to have been able to go for the practice and see all his friends. Said it felt good to be able to play his trumpet for that long. He had not played since April until about three weeks ago. This session did him a lot of good!

Earl goes for his sixth treatment tomorrow, then he will be off for 14 days. Then three more treatments. He's counting the days! He should be finished with chemo around Oct. 15th. providing the scans and tests that follow do not indicate the need for further chemo.

Thursday, September 6, 2007


We wonder just how low it will go!

Blood was drawn before the second series of chemo began last week. The results of the CA19-9 tumor marker this time was. . . . . "less than 2". This is down from the Aug 1st. test that was 5.

I think I'm running out of ways to say how thankful we are by all this. We're very glad the number is still going down and not heading up!

CA19-9, done monthly, will not be done again until right before the start of the third series of chemo at the end of Sept.

Earl's progress

Earl goes for his fifth chemo treatment tomorrow, 9/6/07. He will then have four more to go. He'll be on the downhill path.... over half way! He is eager to find out the results of last week's CA19-9. We hope it is still in the normal range. The 5 was wonderful a month ago. Hope to see another one tomorrow.

Still not gaining much weight, but is eating more. He is trying!

He is doing just fine with the treatments. No problems. I am very glad that he isn't suffering.

At the same time, it just doesn't seem fair :-)

I went thru a full year of pure ...... let's just say I wouldn't wish that year on anyone. Guess this just proves science keeps learning and making things easier and better, we hope! I need to ask the Dr. what the treatment is now for my stage and type of cancer. It had changed to six months right before I completed my year. This was 15 years ago, so it may be even less now! I'm not really complaining.... it worked and I'm still here!!

My fear seems to be that these nine treatments might not be enough to prevent a recurrence in a couple of years. It seems so little for such a deadly cancer! May be the "no pain, no gain" thing.

Earl has been so touched by all the warm greetings he has gotten at church the last two Sundays. He is so glad to finally feel like playing his trumpet again. It wears him out, but he wants to do it. Does him good to make the effort! Keeps him going.

Lillian Crossley - Stomach cancer update 9/4/07

Email from son Jack:

The doctors decided to give her a modified chemo treatment
any way. She had her second treatment today and is doing
very well so far. She is also eating much better with meds
they have given her. The side effects have just started,
she is loosing her hair but her spirit is good. Gets
tired fairly easy and sleeps a lot as is expected, but
still tries to work out side a little each day.