Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Band practice

The Knoxville Community Recreational Band began practice last night for their new performance season. They practice in a school, so must limit their practice time to days when school is in session. They practice on Tuesday evenings.

Earl went to practice with them and was greeted enthusiastically by everyone. I think a lot of them had written him off as a goner! Some stated they did not think he would ever be back. They asked him to tell about his ordeal, so he spent a few minutes telling the group about his last five months.

He came home tired, but excited to have been able to go for the practice and see all his friends. Said it felt good to be able to play his trumpet for that long. He had not played since April until about three weeks ago. This session did him a lot of good!

Earl goes for his sixth treatment tomorrow, then he will be off for 14 days. Then three more treatments. He's counting the days! He should be finished with chemo around Oct. 15th. providing the scans and tests that follow do not indicate the need for further chemo.

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