We finally have gotten some good news!
Great news! Prayers are answered!
Earl was told late last week that Fox Chase Cancer Center (FCCC) was in the process of negotiating a contract with our CIGNA insurance to possibly go into effect on 6/1/07. Insurance lady from FCCC called Earl today and told him a contract has been signed and the hospital bill will be paid "in-network".
We don't know exactly what this means other than the hospital has signed a contract. We don't know if the surgeon does his own billing and would need to be under contract. Then, there is the anesthesthiologist and who knows what/who else.
We have received so many EOBs from CIGNA for his hospital stay in April. One of the doctors who did one of the procedures on Earl at St. Mary's (Knoxville) was "out of network" and we'll have a larger bill to pay on that. So, depending on who all is included in this new contract.... we could still have some bills to pay. But, the great part about this is that now we won't have to worry about the HUGE hospital bill for 10-14 days. We can face the small bills when the time comes.
This is such a relief!! God is good!
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Talk about cutting it close!!
Posted by
5:26 PM
Labels: insurance
Monday, May 28, 2007
"Thank You"
We want to express, again, our thanks for all your prayers and contacts. Whatever form your contacts .... comments on this blog, emails, phone calls, cards... each and every one are greatly appreciated. Family, friends, co-workers, and our church family.... you know who you are... are all being so supportive. Thank you for everything!
Posted by
11:54 PM
Update on travel plans, insurance, surgery
I've been putting off updating.... hoping we were going to have some definite news. As things stand right now, we still do not have things worked out financially. The two local doctors have not come thru with the letters they said they would write confirming we were told it is inoperable here. It's been over a week and still no letters. The insurance case manager asked us to get statements, so she could present our case to the insurance doctors in an effort to get benefits paid as if it were in-network. We'll be contacting these local doctors again tomorrow.
We did learn this week that the estimated cost of the surgery is around $120,000. If the insurance only pays 60%, this will leave about $48,000 for us to pay. IF.... the insurance were to agree to pay as if it's in-network, I assume we would be responsible for whatever the insurance does not pay. We all know the insurance does not pay very much in most cases. So, we have no idea what our responsibility will be or if the hospital will accept payments. Website says not. We're trusting things will work out.
We've decided to drive up. It's about 12 hr trip, but just need to take a lot of "stuff" to be gone almost three weeks. We'll leave Sat. June 2nd. splitting the trip into two days. Earl is to check into the hospital some time Sunday.
Posted by
9:18 PM
Thursday, May 17, 2007
See the Whipple precedure (Earl's surgery)
Photos of before and after:
Whipple procedure
Posted by
10:31 PM
Labels: operation, surgery photos, Whipple procedure
What's happening......
Lodging assistant called from Philly yesterday with info regarding possibility of an apartment about three blocks (walking distance, if I feel safe) from the hospital. This is first come, first serve. Once a family is in an apt. they are not asked to vacate, if their stay needs to be extended for any reason. No guarantee one will be available when we need it. Contact will be made on Friday before Earl's Monday surgery. If an apt. is available, I can get it on Monday or Tues. as I can manage to move belongings from hotel around the surgery schedule. Earl will be checking into the hospital on June 3rd.
While Earl was in St. Mary's, a surgeon told us he considered Earl's cancer inoperable. Surgeon's nurse finally returned our calls today. We got a faxed copy of doctor's CONSULTATION REPORT (Headed up with St. Mary's Medical Center name and address.) This was dictated the day before we got the official confirmation on April 6th that the biopsy had tested positive for cancer.
- Doctor's "impression" states: Probably locally advanced carcinoma of the head of the pancreas which is essentially inoperable and unresectable.
So, everyone pray very hard that the insurance doctors will be in an agreeable mood to approve our request. Otherwise, it is going to be very difficult financially, since Fox Chase states payment must be made at time of service.
I am encouraged that we seem to be making some headway in getting some of our bumps smoothed out.
Posted by
5:51 PM
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Surgery scheduled
Surgery has been scheduled for June 4th. Earl will be in the hospital for 10-14 days and another week in convalescence. Time varies per patient, so we'll be up there for 2-1/2 to 3 weeks.
Dr. will do resection called the Whipple procedure. Hospital is sending information packet. Hope there will be information about the whole procedure.
Posted by
2:51 PM
Labels: Surgery schedule
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Pa. Doctor out of office
Earl called Philly yesterday. Talked to Dr. Watson's nurse. Dr. W is out of the office until Monday. They did get the MRI we mailed. So.... we're still waiting!
In the mean time.... Earl is feeling better. Actually got out and walked up/down the road a couple of times yesterday. Says he is getting his strength back. Nine days in the hospital and being put to sleep three days in a row really zapped him.
This waiting is getting to me! I feel like somebody should be doing SOMETHING!
Posted by
7:00 AM
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
No news!
No news yet from Pa. Doctor. We're just waiting.....
Posted by
10:14 PM
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Earl went to church today.....
Earl decided he was strong enough to go to church this morning. He did play his trumpet during the music service. First time he had played it since March 11th (I think).
He was happy to see everyone. All the greetings and words of encouragement work wonders! He was glad he made the effort to go, even though he was very tired afterward.
He has been on the internet for a little while, but is leaning back.... asleep in his chair right now! The little cat naps help keep him going! :-)
Posted by
5:30 PM
Saturday, May 5, 2007
MRI of Liver
Earl had the MRI done Friday morning. Later Friday, picked up a CD with the MRI to send to Dr. Watson in Philadelphia. It was mailed this morning via priority mail, which should get it there on Monday.
We met with Dr. Allan Grossman Friday afternoon to discuss oncology treatments. He will administer chemo as instructed by Dr. Watson.
It has been 14 years this month since I completed my year of chemo with Dr. Grossman. He and his nurse both remembered me... after all these years!
Next post will likely be after we hear from Dr. Watson on Monday or Tuesday.
Posted by
4:31 PM
Friday, May 4, 2007
Flax Oil & Dr Johanna Budwig (Bonnie T Myers)
There is ample documentation regarding Dr.Johanna Budwig, a German doctor and chemist, who learned that terminal cancer patients were all deficient in certain elements, which she found to be in flax oil mixed with cottage cheese. She is known to have taken terminal cancer patients with only hours to live from the hospital whose lives were saved.
The oil must be mixed thoroughly with the cottage cheese. One with pancreatic cancer took six tablespoons per day, which is a lot of flax oil and got well.
I use Barlean's, from flax grown in Canada. I have had at least seven episodes of cancer since 1958, two major surgeries, colon and radical mastectomy among them. And highly recommend the flax oil and cottage cheese.
The flax oil with cottage cheese is now being used for terminal cases other than cancer but do not have statistics yet on that. I highly recommend it along with much of the diet, for all terminal cases! What do they have to loose?. It puts a balance on the immune system Do not know of any side effects. One of my "patient's" scheduled for radiation and chemo got an increase in his white cell count in only three weeks!
Posted by
8:30 AM
Labels: flax oil, Flax seed oil
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Thank you!
Thank you to all for stopping in and catching up on what's happening with Earl. We appreciate your prayers & comments.... the cards & flowers.... emails and phone calls. Every contact helps keep us going... picks us up when we get down!
All I can say is THANK YOU and WE LOVE YOU ALL!
Posted by
6:33 AM
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
News from Philly
Good News! Prayers are being answered!
#1: Results of blood work for CA19-9 last Thursday came back today. It is now 309.6. It was 572 on April 3rd. It's not 200, but Dr is pleased.
#2: CT Scan from March 23 shows there is no involvement with the main blood supply that runs thru the pancreas near where the tumor is located. This was a huge concern.
The above were the two things that would have made Earl's cancer inoperable. If the number had not dropped and the tumor had spread to involve the blood supply.
Recent scans show there is "something" in the liver. We know that has been there for several years. Former Dr. had run CTs and kept watch on it. Always said it was not anything to be concerned about. Philly radiologist wants to do an MRI, just to make sure it is "nothing".
Overall, Dr. Watson (Philly surgeon) said he was pleased with what he is seeing. Stated that if not for the liver thing, he would have Earl up for surgery asap.
Dr. Watson faxing orders for the MRI. He will be out of his office rest of this week returning next Monday. As soon as they get results of MRI and confirm that situation, he is talking about getting Earl back to Philly for surgery!!
We have appt. with Oncologist in Knoxville on Friday, May 4th @ 3:15 p.m. He is the same doctor who did my year of chemo when I had colon cancer. Will be good to see him again.
MRI is scheduled for 9:30 a.m. on Friday.
Thank you for all your prayers, emails, cards, blog comments & phone calls. Every contact is just great. Thank you for keeping in touch.
Please continue to remember us as MRI is done, plans progress, and we take up the battle with the insurance company to try to get the out of network surgery done "in-network".
Posted by
4:30 PM
Labels: adenocarcinoma, CA19-9, cancer, pancreas