Thursday, May 17, 2007

See the Whipple precedure (Earl's surgery)

Photos of before and after:

Whipple procedure


Anonymous said...

Dear Lillian and Earl just reminding you that you are in my prayers.Iguess Lillian remembers when they told my son Jason he had only two months to live because his Hodgenkins disease had engulfed his body,all lymph nodes,the major organs,and his bone marrow.I am so glad the Lord has his own plans and guides our lives the way He sees we need to go.After a stem cell transplant in Vanderbilt,Jason is now 8 years cancer free.My daughter , Missy,she works in our Homemaker dept.was told after having vulva cancer 5 years ago and cervicle 2 years ago that she would not be able to have children.She now has a little 3 month boy,Eli,and she is cancer free.Keep your sights set toward God.I believe in miracles.The two I have mentioned to you here are only two............there are more...Always in my prayers.......Angie Sexton

Anonymous said...

You are in our daily prayers.