Sorry I haven't posted anything in a while. We have just been so relieved to have the three months of chemo completed. Trying to enjoy the couple of weeks off and catch up on work that needed to be done.
Earl goes for a PET scan on Wed. Oct. 31st. which should show any cancer cells that might remain. We pray there aren't any!
Radiation along with more chemo, 5FU pills, will be starting in next couple of weeks. Earl goes back to Oncologist on Nov. 5th. The Oncologist thinks Earl will get about four weeks of radiation, but he's not really sure.
Please pray that the surgery and chemo to date got all the cancer. We have been so blessed so far. Earl has not had too much problem with the chemo thus far. Though I don't expect the 5FU to be so kind. I know what it did to me, but understand the pills have different side effects. I hope they aren't as bad as the IV form I had. Earl will be taking the chemo pills each day he has radiation.
Monday, October 29, 2007
PET Scan on Halloween
Posted by
1:18 AM
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Lillian Crossley - Obituary
Lillian M. (Stogner) Crossley, 87, of Schnecksville, died Thursday, October 11, 2007, at the V.N.A. Hospice of St. Lukes, Lower Saucon Township, Northampton County. She was the wife of the late Jack R. Crossley Sr. Born in Huntsville, Alabama, February 27, 1920, Lillian was the daughter of the late James D. and Naomi L. (Ikard) Stogner. She was a member of Christ Methodist Church in Allentown. Survivors: Sons, Jack R. Crossley Jr. and his wife Anne of Emmaus and David L. Crossley, at home; sister, Ruby Trentham of Tennessee; five grandchildren, Russell, Benjamin, Kevin, Jeffrey, Joseph, four great-grandchildren, Kaitlynn, Jesse, Jacqueline, Kayla. She was predeceased by a grandson, Michael. Services: Graveside, 11 a.m. Tuesday, October 16, at Woodlawn Memorial Park, 1500 Airport Rd., Allentown, with the Rev. Harold A. McKenzie officiating. Family and friends may call 9:30-10:30 a.m. Tuesday, in the Heintzelman Funeral Home, Inc., 4906 Route 309, Schnecksville. Contributions: In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to Christ Methodist Church, c/o the funeral home, P.O. Box 196, Schnecksville, PA 18078-0196.
Published in the Morning Call on 10/13/2007.
Posted by
10:16 PM
Labels: Crossley
Friday, October 12, 2007
Arrangements for Lillian Marie Stogner Crossley
Funeral arrangements for Lillian Marie Stogner Crossley 1920-2007:
Tuesday, Oct. 16, 2007
9:30 - 10:30 a.m.
Viewing at Heintzelman Funeral Home
4906 Rt 309
Schnecksville PA 18078
11:00 a.m. 10/16/07
Graveside service and burial
In lieu of flowers, the family has requested donations be made to:
Christ Methodist Church
% Heintzelman Funeral Home Inc
P O Box 196
Schnecksville, PA 18078-0196
Preceded in death:
Husband: Jack Crossley 1918-1984
Brothers and sister:
Shelby S Stogner Sr 1903-1961
Comer Stogner 1907-1963
Mamie Stogner Watson 1910-2005
Rev J Hulett Stogner 1914-2000
Survived by sister:
Ruby Stogner Trentham 1917-
Kate Trentham Stogner
Jack & wife, Anne Crossley
David Crossley
Five grandsons
Four great-grandchildren
I hope this information is accurate. I will try to get a copy of the obit and make corrections, if needed.
Posted by
10:13 PM
Labels: Crossley
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Sad news about Aunt Lillian from Jack
Aunt Lillian was put into hospice today. Jack says there are signs her kidneys are beginning to fail. He doesn't think she will make it six months.
She is not strong enough to get out of bed by herself. Very weak but tests on blood do not indicate that the weakness is because of anemia.
Posted by
9:59 PM
Labels: Crossley
Blount County Rescue Squad - Chattanooga
We're off to Chattanooga Choo-Choo Thursday thru Saturday to see our daughter, Liana, compete as part of a team from Blount County Rescue Squad. There will be several events Friday and Saturday.
There will be numerous events. Here are a few:
VEHICLE EXTRICATION CONTEST (Blount took third place out of 15)
RESCUE CHALLENGE CONTEST (Blount won first place)
We know Liana will participate in the vehicle extrication and rescue challenge. Not sure what else she will be doing. Should be interesting few days. Teams from all over Tennessee will be competing.
We hope BCRS will be picking up some awards at the Awards Banquet Saturday night.
Posted by
9:44 PM
Update on Earl
Earl had chemo yesterday. Everything going well with his treatments. This was next to last treatment. His FINAL chemo will be next Monday. Then come scans to check him out.
He got the results of his CA19-9 (tumor marker test) from last week. It is still "less than two", which is as low as it registers. This is still very good.
Earl is anxious for that final chemo to be over.
Posted by
9:16 PM
Ryan's story
Ryan is 35 years old. He and wife, Cindy, have two children. Son, Hayden, will be 7 in Nov. & just started first grade. Daughter, Kendall, will be 3 in Dec.
Here is link to Ryan's MySpace
This post contains several blog entries from Ryan's MySpace. Read from bottom up.
Email from Ryan's mother 10/9/07:
Jack just left to pick Ryan up and take him into Portland for his first chemo today-------7 hours worth---------I feel so bad for him-------- I can only imagine--------he will then have sessions on wednesday and thursday also-------we will know more today what the exact schedule will be---------
From Ryan's MySpace on 9/26/07:
Well, after an extensive round of testing with all different types of dyes, solutions, nuclear scans, MRI's and everything else (GOD help me if I ever have another MRI) My cancer HAS NOT SPREAD ANY WHERE ELSE! THANK GOD!
MY family was so relieved!
Please allow me this opportunity to thank all of my family and friends, all of whom have been a wonderful source of support through all of this. With out all of you I would not be able to make this journey. MY thanks and sincere gratitude to all of you.
I love all of you
Ryan's MySpace blog 9/22/07:
Cancer Update
Current mood: thankful
Well, yesterday was a VERY busy day.
I got 2 of my 3 tests done yesterday. I had the MRI of my brain done (yes I did have a brain), and let me tell you that was the absolute WORST 45 minutes of my entire life. GOOD GOD! I was feeling great until the MRI machine started banging, clanging and making all sorts of strange noises (almost like a jet engine was going to explode, not fun). I think I would have rather had a colonoscopy (at least I would have been asleep for that). I already told daddy that IF I have to have another one, someone WILL take me and I WILL get my butt knocked out for it. I DONT CARE!!! GIMME the top shelf drugs next time....LOL!!!
The second test was done on the other side of town (of course) and I had to drink the most wonderful concoction called BARIUM SULFATE. Let me tell you, it is yummy (cough, puke, choke). Then just before going into the CT scanner, I had to have yet ANOTHER IV line. They injected this stuff in to me that made me feel like I was going through menopause (yes, menopause). I got the hot flashes, felt all hot and sultry (even made me feel like I peed my pants, thank GOD that was not the case!!!).
So with all the drugs, and IV contrast meds yesterday I was lit up like an ATOM BOMB (not literally). At least I can make light of this situation and deal with it accordingly. Laughter really is the best medicine (next to PRAYER).
Thank you all for your thoughts, concerns and prayers. With out my family and friends, I would not be able to continue this journey through this part of my life.
Love to all!!!
Ryan's blog 9/21/07:
More Testing
Current mood: cranky
I met with my Oncologist yesterday. He has ordered another battery of tests to ensure the cancer has not spread any where else. He did say there was hope of a complete recovery, but that we needed these tests to make an absolute determination for treatment.
Additionally, I will be meeting with my surgeon to go over in depth with me, all of the reports as far my scans, blood work and everything to confirm if surgery is an option. I need to have all my cards on the table before I make my treatment decision.
So that's about it for now. MORE TESTS!
I do sincerely appreciate everyone's thoughts, concerns and prayers. It is very comforting to know that so many people care. I love you all!
Posted by
8:45 PM
Labels: lung cancer, Overstreet
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Update on Aunt Lillian from Jack 10/3/07
Email from Jack:
We brought Mom home on Friday, she really did not want to stay
in the hospital any longer. Her situation has not improved and the
doctors no longer feel that they can beat the cancer.
They have stopped the chemo for now, hoping she will regain some
strength. They are giving her three options;
One continuing blood transfusions in the hope of starting chemo again.
Two operating to remove the tumor. This is NOT what they
they really want to try, her chances of surviving it are not good
Three is to put her in hospice and wait for nature to take its
course. They feel this will take less than six months.
Posted by
11:03 PM
Labels: Crossley