Sunday, August 10, 2008

Surgery for my Aunt

Gladys Russell (91 yrs old)
March 14, 2008 at funeral of her sister, Kate

Gladys Russell, my Aunt, spent eight days in the hospital
week before last. She was having abdominal pain and Dr.
thought her stomach was just not emptying because the
muscles were not working right. She was put on a drug to
make the stomach contract and hopefully empty better.

She had been out of the hospital for seven or eight days
when she was re-admitted to the hospital this week due to
bleeding from colon. Her daughter, Sandra, was called
at 4 a.m. and went and picked her up and took her to the

A colonoscopy was done Thursday. They found the bleeding came
from diviticulitus(sp?). Looking higher up in the colon, they
found a cancerous tumor that was virtually blocking her colon.
This may have been the reason for her stomach not emptying.
If not for the bleeding, the tumor would likely not have been

Surgery is planned for sometime today (Friday). Doctor is to
meet with the family Fri. a.m.

Dr told Gladys that if she had to have the tumor, it was in
the best place. They should be able to remove it and do
resection. Dr. doing the scope did not think it was involved
outside her colon. He was pretty certain it is cancer. Biopsy
was taken.

Colon cancer seems to run in the Trentham family. If you
aren't being checked every five years, you should check
with your doctor. Colon cancer is so treatable, if found
early. Otherwise, it is a silent killer. THERE ARE NO SYMPTOMS
until it's too late! Ask me.... I know.

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