Sunday, August 10, 2008

Update on Aunt Gladys

Surgeon removed about 10" of her colon, untwisted a kink that was found in her colon below the tumor, and repaired a hernia. She was having a lot of pain after surgery, so an epidural was done to help control that. Doctor now thinks the kink/twist may have been causing the blockage.

At 4 p.m. Saturday, her kidneys are not working very well. She has been given a lot of IV's to try to get her kidneys working, but is not having much output yet. Nurses were trying to contact the Doctor to find out what should be done about her kidneys.

She is doing better. Not having very much pain today. Not using much pain medicine.

Please remember her and her family as you pray.

Lillian Lancaster

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info

Glad to hear Aint Gladys is doing better. Hope she gets back to 100% soon.

Mike & Ca