Monday, August 18, 2008

Update on Aunt Gladys

Email from Sandra on 8/18/08:

Thank you so much for your prayers, visits, and encouragement
for mother. Ten days after her bowel resection, which is a
major surgery for a 40 yr. old, she is leaving the hospital
today to go to Morningview Transitional Care.

She is doing well with the pain, and is determined to get
her strength back again. At 91 yrs. old, it may take a few
weeks to get her back to the point she can again live in her
assisted living apartment, but she is determined. Mom is
having difficulty eating, as nothing tastes good wish I had
that problem!), but she is faithfully drinking Ensure each day
which will provide some nourishment.

She is most upset about missing so many Sundays at Madison
Avenue! I appreciate all who have come to visit her.

When she gets to Morningview Transitional Care, she will be
listed as Gladys Russell.

Thanks so much for caring!


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