I took Earl down to first floor and outside to a small water fountain. This was his first excursion off his floor since being admitted a week ago today. Here are three photos taken today.
More photos on my Fotki site: Earl hospital photos 6/10/07
More photos on my Fotki site: Earl hospital photos 6/10/07
OK, Stick, don't give up your day job - I don't think modeling is your thing! The world isn't quite ready for that! Glad to hear that you're still progressing so well. God is certainly working in your life!
Chrissy D.
It was a pleasure taking care of you. Your post op course was truly remarkable. If only all our patients could do so well! -Dara
Dear Mr. and Mrs Lancaster. Hiya! Just thought I would say hello incase you were missing us......Stop in during your followup. And thank you for allowing me to take care of you.........Linda (3north)
Lillian & Earl,
It is so wonderful to be able to follow your progress - Earl, you are a miracle! Guess those naps are okay for now - enjoy while you can. . .
Oh those sexy legs! It is wonderful to see you up and about. Continue to recover in "Great form ole boy" and get'r done! Looking forward to both of you coming home. May God continue to walk by your side and keep kick'n up those heels. Load of Love, Pat
I've been away for several days and am just catching up. It sounds like things are going great! God does truly work in wondrous ways!
Sharon Ogle Reagan
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