Earl, age 66, of Louisville, TN went to be with his Lord Friday, December 5, 2008 at home.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Friday, December 5, 2008
Earl - The Final Chapter
Earl went to be with his Lord at approx. 9:10 a.m. this morning.
I am so glad, for his sake, that this has happened so quickly. God still answers.
We had decided on cremation, which will be handled by Smith's Mortuary. The cremation will allow us to take a little time to make plans for a memorial service at Madison Avenue Baptist Church in Maryville, TN
Earl fought a valiant battle and maintained a positive attitude through all his treatments, since he was diagnosed in April 2007.
In the words of my Internet friend, Wanda Smith..."May God's gentle presence fill the coming days with love and may He warm our hearts with abundant grace and peace always."
Our entire family appreciates your love, support and prayers. Thank you!
In His Love,
Lillian & Liana Lancaster
Posted by
10:38 AM
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Earl 12/3/08
We brought Earl home late Tuesday night. I signed the Hospice papers this morning. Doctors say we are looking at a few weeks... possibly one month, maybe two. Won't be long.... for which I can only be thankful, for Earl's sake. If this is how it has to be, let it be quickly over for him.
He has had a little issue of some congestion and not being able to cough much up. EMT Richard (friend of Liana's who transported Earl for Rural Metro last night) says the lung congestion is likely fluid buildup that is just part of the body shutdown process. Earl has swelling in his hands and legs. His body can't process and get rid of the fluids.
At times his mind is still so sharp and clear. Pain meds make him sluggish and his speech is slurred. The mornings are better after he has slept and is not on meds.
Stacie & Liana were with me last night. They split the late night shift and let me sleep... first real sleep in almost a week.
Posted by
2:56 AM
Monday, December 1, 2008
Earl - News is not good
CT Scan on Saturday shows cancer has spread. This morning Oncologist told me there is nothing else he can do for Earl. The recent treatments apparently have not been working. He recommended we put him in hospice care. He also said Earl doesn't have long. Probably a matter of weeks. Maybe a month or two, but not long.
Earl is so weak. His mind is wondering and he talks about all kinds of things. Whatever is running thru his mind. He can be alert and responsive when we ask him questions. Next sentence won't make sense. His liver is not working, thus toxins are building up and causing the confusion. Blood sugar was 282 and insulin is keeping it under 200. Other issues, too much to detail now.
He had a good visit with his daughter, Claudette, and her husband who came down from Richmond for the weekend. He was able to talk some and knew she was there. Asked about her last night, wanting to know if they had gone home. I was able to tell him she would be back this morning and she did come to see him before they left.
I am trying to be grateful that Earl has been so well until this last week. It will be such a blessing for him if this can be over quickly and him not have to suffer for a long time.
Please pray for us as we face these final days. It's in God's hands.
Posted by
3:10 PM
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Earl is back home!
Earl was released yesterday. His potassium must be very low. Lower than what pills would take care of. Doctor wasn't sure Earl would absorb enough from pills (everything runs right thru him), so wanted to give him another IV of potassium yesterday. It stings if given too fast, so they had to slow it down so much, it took about 7 hours to do the small bag. He was signed out and ready to hit the door when they unhooked him!
I went down to move the car around shortly after they called transport to come get him. Earl was dressed and sitting on the bed, ready to go when our pastor, Dr. Glenn Cummings, came in to see him. If he had gotten there five minutes later, he would have missed Earl. We certainly appreciated him coming to see Earl. Even if it was just to escort Earl down to the car.
As we headed home, we hit the 5:00 p.m. traffic jam on I-40/75. Lucky for us, we only had to go one exit to get off on Pellissippi, so we got home about 5:15 p.m.
Earl is feeling much better. Just very weak. Still dealing with the diarrhea.
He is very glad to be back home!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Lillian & Earl
Posted by
12:06 PM
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Earl may get to come home today.
I see the number of hits has jumped up over 40 hits in last 24 hours. I appreciate everyone who stops by to check on Earl. I know all of you are praying for him. Thank you so much!
Doctor said last evening he might release Earl today. Hope so!
Posted by
6:08 AM
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Earl in hospital
Around 11:00 p.m. last night I began to try to get Earl up out of his recliner and get him headed to bed. When he stood up and tried to walk, he was so unsteady on his feed he could not walk. When I asked him if he needed the wheelchair, he said yes. Right then I knew we had problems.
I decided I wasn't waiting until morning to get him some help. So, Liana and I gathered up a few things for him and wheeled him out to the car and headed to Park West a few minutes before midnight.
He was taken into an exam room at 12:25 a.m. Gregg drew several vials of blood for lab, but was unable to get the site to work for an IV. He tried twice more with no luck. He went and got Mark, who tried twice, still with no luck. Then they called in David, with 30+ years of experience. Finally, on his second stick he was able to get Earl ready for an IV. This was a total of seven times he was stuck! Earl's veins are in such bad shape from all the chemo! These guys tried really hard... just didn't have much to work with.
They did go ahead and start Earl on fluids, while they were waiting for lab results. The results showed the kidney and bladder infections are back again. He is also dehydrated, but not as severely as we suspected.
This makes, I think, six times he has been treated for the urinary tract infections since March or April. What makes it really hard to know what is going on is that he has no burning or stinging. Then we assume what back pain he is having is related to the cancer, since pain is expected with that. Or is it kidney pain from the infection? We are going to have to figure out some way to know when it is this infection and not cancer pain. But how?? We'll work on that for sure.
After conferring with the Oncology doctor on call, Earl was admitted and got into his room about 3:30 a.m. It took an hour or so to get him settled and hooked up, etc. Liana and I were both wired, but too tired to settle down. It was around 5 a.m. when she went home. I read until little before 7 a.m. when I finally began to drift off. A sleeping chair was brought in and I slept about 45 min. before they brought in his breakfast tray. Looked pretty good. Scrambled eggs, bacon, biscuit, juice, coffee and mandarin oranges.
Earl has been getting fluids all day, as well as antibiotics and potassium. Also getting another antibiotic pill three times a day... every eight hours. The IV antibiotic is levaquin. This is the stuff that his mother took that made her talk out of her head for three days recently. May get interesting if it does weird things to Earl, too!!
For now, we wait. Haven't seen a doctor today. Nurse says it is sometimes very late when doctors make rounds. Earl is hoping he will get to go home tomorrow, but we don't know anything now.
Please pray, pray, pray!
Our love and thanks to you all.
Posted by
2:17 PM
Monday, November 24, 2008
Earl update
I called from work to check on Earl right before 2 p.m. and talked to his assistant. I found out he had not even attempted to work any today. That isn't like him, so I left immediately and came home to check on him. When I got here he was having a hard time talking. His mouth was so dry, he couldn't talk plain because his tongue was sticking to his mouth. Said he thought he needed to go to the hospital because he was dehydrated.
I called the oncologist who instructed that he drink plenty of fluids and come in for blood work at 9 a.m. tomorrow. They will draw blood and immediately go ahead and hook up an IV and start fluids. It was too late to take him in to get fluids at their office today.
Depending on results, they will make recommendation as to either admit him to hospital or give him fluids in the office. I hope they can get him hydrated without hospitalization.
Posted by
5:29 PM
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Rough weekend for Earl - Prayers needed
This has been a strange weekend for Earl. When I came in from work Friday afternoon, he was sitting in his recliner. Seemed fine. Sleeping is not unusual for him at this time of day, so I let him sleep about 1-1/2 to 2 hours. I knew he should have something to eat, but when I tried to wake him, I about gave up. He kept going right back to sleep regardless of me talking to him, etc.
After 15-20 min. I did get him to get up, but he was very unsteady on his feet, so I stayed right with him while he walked to the back of the house. When I asked him if he wanted me to get his walker, he said it would probably be a good idea. Up into the attic to get his walker down. He used it the rest of the evening. He parked it on Saturday and went back to his cane.
He ate some beef stew and not long after that he started complaining about his stomach hurting. This continued until after he went to bed very late. The pain moved down into his lower abdomen later in the evening. He even took a couple of pain pills for the stomach pain.
Saturday morning, he was still hurting and took more pain pills. He gradually seemed to feel better as Saturday passed. Sunday, he slept late and didn't get up until late morning. When he tried to eat some scrambled eggs and toast around noon, he took a couple of bites and immediately headed for the bathroom.
He threw up the worst looking gunk! It was dark gray stuff that looked like brackish swamp water. No telling how long this stuff had been sitting in his stomach. Probably the cause of his pain on Saturday. He felt much better afterward, but did not eat much. Headed back to bed.
He has continued to sleep a lot today. At one point, he stopped at my office door across the hall from our bedroom. He kept leaning up against the door frame and closing his eyes like he was trying to go to sleep standing there!! He went back to bed and slept most of the afternoon.
He woke late afternoon and read the newspaper some. Wanted to go the church for the Thanksgiving dinner this evening, but was just too weak. Finally decided he would have some chicken noodle soup. He does seem to be feeling better. He's up and just went down the hall toward the living room. Hope he isn't up all night, because he slept so much today. Didn't stay long, he's back on the bed under his electric throw.
Earl came in on Wednesday with the report that his CA19-9 from a couple of weeks ago was up to 90+. Doctor thinks this will come down some since this series of treatments. Earl will return to Doctor on Dec. 1st. I don't know if they will start another series of treatment or just do blood work.
The 5FU pills made his fingers split and become very sore the first 14 days he took them. He began using lotions and whatever he could think of to try to promote healing. He finally realized that the Melaleuca MelaGel seemed to help the most. He has applied that every day of this 14 days of pills and his fingers have not split like they did the first series. He takes the pills 14 days, then is off seven days.
His hands and some of his fingers are swollen along with his feet and lower legs. The fluid buildup is related to the chemo. He continues to run low grade fevers about once a week or at least every 10 days or so. The fevers last about 24 hours and usually go away when treated with Tylenol. A couple of times they have been over 103 degrees.
He continues to have back pain most nights and is taking strong pain meds to relieve it so he can sleep.
He has gained a few pounds, but I'm not sure if it is true gain or fluid buildup. He is still only 154 lbs. and so very thin. He has learned to give himself the shots to help control the diarrhea. He is supposed to take them every 4-6 hours, but I don't think he remembers to take them more than a couple of times each day.
I'm sorry I haven't been updating this much lately. It's just the same old things all the time. Not much progress to really report. It seems to be a step or two forward and about 10 steps back. I'm trying to keep my life on track and must work to keep insurance going. It's very hard some days to get up at 6:30 and get ready for work when I didn't get to sleep until after 3 a.m. vigil with Earl. Liana has been a tremendous help. She takes Earl for his treatments, which allows me to go to work. She also helps with his Mother. I don't know how I would be managing without her help.
With his numbers creeping upward, prayer is about all we can ask of you. Please continue to pray for us. We need your prayers so very much. It is very hard to see him going down so rapidly and have courage that things will be better. He continues to remain positive that he will beat it again!
His daughter and her husband will be coming down from Richmond, VA on Friday. I know it will perk him up to see her.
Thank you for all your prayers.
Posted by
7:11 PM
Monday, November 10, 2008
Earl fever & treatment
Earl had a very rough night. Fever 102.7 about 2 a.m. this morning. Pain in back was worst he has had to date. Fever gone by morning. No idea what is going on.
He got chemo today and started back on the 5FU pills tonight. They make his hands sore... split fingers, etc.
His left arm started swelling during chemo today & they had to switch to the right arm. Now both arms are hurting from the chemo. Last treatment made his arm hurt for about 24 hrs.
Dr. can't help him if he doesn't get treatment. So, he endures it. At least his white count is holding fairly well. It was low enough one time that they skipped a week.
I was up with Earl until 2:30 or 3 a.m. so we didn't get much rest. Hope we don't repeat again tonight!
Posted by
8:17 PM
Monday, November 3, 2008
Ryan in hospital twice
From Ryan's Mom:
11/9/08: Ryan got out of the hospital this afternoon.
11/6/08: Ryan's cancer is small cell lung cancer-------can also be known as 'oatmeal' cancer---------treatable, but not curable.
11/5/08: Ryan still in hospital. Well, the news was not at all what we wanted to hear. This last bit of chemo has not done what they were hoping for. The infection at his port site has to get cleared. They removed the port this afternoon. They will possibly put a new one in when his infection is cleared up.
His oncologist is contacting others across the country to see if there are any experimental (clinical?) drugs that can be tried on Ryan. Will relay more as we find out.
Just before we found out about Ryan, we had a call from Annie (Ryan's sister). They had a fire last night in the new house. What a mess. Everyone, dogs included made it out ok with no injuries. Most lucky on that account. We took our 27 1/2 foot travel trailer up there this am so that they will have somewhere to sleep. Could get a motel, but didn't want to leave all their stuff unattended.
11/3/08 10:38 p.m: The latest is that they are now thinking of taking the port completely out, and his white blood count was at .3 should be 3,000. Will have the results of his scan sometime tomorrow. We really do need some good news for a change.
11/3/08: Ryan is back in the hospital again. Site infection where the port is------may have to have a new one put in.
Also, white blood count down again. He has now lost about 97 lbs. A few days in the hospital should help get him back on his feet.
They are going to do the scan earlier than scheduled, so that they can see if the cancer has been stopped--------that's the news I really don't want to hear at this point.
10/30/08: Ryan was in the hospital overnight---blood levels had dropped once more. They built him back up, sent him home, and now we wait and see. Yesterday and today have been a bit owly with him. Nauseated, vomiting, etc. That should go away here in a couple of days. Seems to go with the territory.
Posted by
9:43 PM
Labels: Ryan
Earl - Update
Earl went in for chemo #2. Diarrhea, weight loss (154 per their scale), potassium low.... no chemo, no 5FU pills this week (supposed to start the pills again on Thurs). He did get large bag of fluids today.
Dr. ordered shots every 4-6 hours, which insurance has denied. Exceeds their limit! So we'll have to pay for them! Drug store did not have them in stock and will have to order. If drug store doesn't have tomorrow, Dr's nurse will call around and check other drug stores in an effort to locate supply.
CA19-9 from three weeks ago was 68.... up from 58. This was before he started the Oxaliplatinum.
Dr. wants to get the diarrhea under control before proceeding with treatment.
Posted by
9:10 PM
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Earl - More weight loss
Earl is still trying to work most days. He seems to feel pretty good most of the time. He is still having serious problems with diarrhea. He has lost down to about 150 lbs. That means he has lost about 15 lbs. in the last two weeks! He is wasting away so quickly.
If anyone has any ideas as to what he can try to gain weight, I'm sure he would welcome your suggestions. I read on the Internet last night that Patrick Swayze, who has pancreatic cancer, gained 20 lbs. drinking muscle building shakes. We are going to check into that tomorrow.
The 5FU pills are doing a real number on his fingers. He has split places (some 1/2" or more) on the ends of almost all fingers. His right hand seems to be worse and, of course, that is the hand he uses to work. It is very sore. He took the last dose (14th day) on Thursday. He will be off them for seven days. Hope his fingers will have time to heal.
He will get the second treatment of the new chemo, Oxaliplatinum, tomorrow. For a few days after the treatment, he cannot drink or touch anything cold. Causes severe pain!
Thank you for all your prayers. God is the Great Physician and we believe in His miracles.
Posted by
7:20 PM
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Sam T saw Doctor today
Great news! Dad does have blockage in his thighs, but nothing needs to be done for now.
The doctor explained that blood flow has found other ways around the blockage, but veins are not as large and do not allow enough rapid flow to supply enough oxygen to the muscles in his calves when he walks uphill or too quickly. As long as he walks at casual pace, the slower blood flow can keep up with his muscle needs. Or he can walk for as long as he can, stop and rest, then continue when his legs are able.
Dr. Reisser told Dad that the best thing he could do was "Don't let anyone talk you into doing anything to your legs" and to WALK! Walking at a pace that leads to some pain or discomfort and then pushing just a little bit further will enlarge the veins and eventually stretch them to allow a little better flow and Dad should, over time, be able to walk more and further. It will just take time and persistence.
Dr. said only about 5% of the people with Dad's condition go on to have serious problems. Dad's risk is minimal.
Dr. only recommends taking action when (1) patient is having pain while "at rest" or (2) has sores on feet or toes.
We are all extremely relieved and very thankful that Dad does not require any kind of procedure be done on his legs. He was so worried about all this yesterday that his blood pressure was 190+ over 98. He practically waltzed out of the medical center after seeing the doctor today!
Posted by
10:19 PM
Labels: Sam T
Earl's mother, Opal - Update
Earl's Mother is doing better. Stitches removed on Friday. Dentist saw her on Thursday. They will do impression, when her mouth is healed, in preparation for extraction of remaining upper teeth and getting full upper plate.
She started walking by herself on her walker today. I had talked to her this morning about getting more exercise. When I came in, she informed me she had walked by herself four times today. Earl didn't even know she had done it. The monitor had not picked up anything he could hear.
We, of course, are very concerned about her falling again. We also realize she must be active to prevent blood clots and regain her strength, so we have to allow her to do what she is able.
Posted by
12:35 AM
Labels: Opal
Ryan update
Ryan's Mother reports:
Ryan is doing ok. He just finished his 2nd week of the three for chemo for this go around. He has three weeks off, then one more to go. He looks so very tired. I really don't know how he does it. The will to live is so strong in him. God willing, all will go well for him.
Posted by
12:32 AM
Labels: Ryan
Earl gets NEW chemo
Earl had first treatment of the NEW chemo today. Doctor finally was able to get the drug company to supply the chemo. Guess they got CIGNA to send a written denial.
This stuff causes terrible pain with anything COLD. No cold drinks. If he gets anything out of fridge, he is to use towel or gloves. Be careful about going out into the cold. Can make him feel like he is choking, when he isn't really. This can last few hours or few days. He thinks he was better by evening meal tonight. He sipped a little of Liana's cold tea. Just a little reaction. Hope he's better tomorrow. His right arm has hurt from hand to elbow most of this afternoon. This is arm where he got chemo today.
He is having pain and splitting of ends of his fingers from the 5FU chemo pills. He will take them couple more days (total of 14 days which ends Thurs.) then be off for 7 days, before he starts them again. Between the 5FU and today's chemo, his right hand is really hurting tonight.
He is doing pretty well, otherwise. Worked some this afternoon. Played trumpet duet with church choir yesterday. I took video of it. Just got the video cam about three weeks ago in preparation of him doing this. I knew our Pastor had requested the choir do this song. I did not have any video of him playing his trumpet. Now, if I can figure out how to download it from the tape to my computer! I want to burn it to CD for his girls.
Wish I had the cam when he was still playing hand bells. He dropped out of the bell choir a few months ago. He didn't know if he could/should commit to another year. No way to know IF he would be able to play for another full season/year.
Diarrhea is still a major problem. Shots and pills are not helping much. Couple of recent "accidents" when away from home. One this morning while he was hooked up for chemo. It's getting harder for him to go anywhere!
Your prayers are so important. Please continue to keep us in your prayers.
Thank you for stopping to check up on Earl.
Posted by
12:18 AM
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
What next!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As if we didn't have enough on us. Earl went for new chemo yesterday. Ended up spending over three hours there without getting treatment. Nurse called CIGNA to get authorization. CIGNA denied payment, so now we and doctor are scrambling around trying to find some way to get the chemo paid for. Don't know what outcome will be. So, pray that some source will open to allow him to get the latest, and we hope, a better treatment.
This came after Earl's mother, Opal, fell Sat. about 10:30 a.m. We spent most of day at St. Mary's ER. She hit floor face first. Teeth marks in the vinyl. Knocked out two teeth that held her bridge. Counting the teeth in the bridge, she knocked out 4 or 5 teeth. Broke a bone in her sinus. Stitches in her upper lip. Inside upper lip was cut too, but they did not stitch it. She looks like she lost a boxing match! She said she remembers being dizzy. Must have passed out. She was using her walker, but it did no good.
Her nose bleed. Pool of blood about the size of a dinner plate under her head. I had to hold her head up so she wouldn't breathe it in. We were afraid to move her much. Bad scene!! Liana called Rural Metro dispatch direct (911 Center), since she works with them thru the Rescue Squad and had direct line number. They came and transported her to St. Mary's for X-ray and CT scan. We got home after 5:30 p.m.
Posted by
6:22 PM
Labels: Opal
Monday, October 13, 2008
Ryan in hospital
Click here to see a photo of Ryan with two of his nieces.
From Ryan's mother, evening 10/13/08:
Jack is on his way home with Ryan from the hospital. He was there for 9 days. They were trying to get his blood back under control. They would treat one thing, and then something else would go wrong.
Ryan starts another series of chemo next week. I just don't know how much he can take. At this point in my life, I would say make me comfy. Ryan is so young and I understand the will to be here for as long as possible. I just don't like seeing him like he is just so that he might buy more time. I guess I have a more realistic attitude about it--------I don't know------
Posted by
9:28 PM
Labels: Ryan
Earl - Scan results
We just returned a few minutes ago from seeing doctor and getting results of PET scan. It's little good, some BAD. The two places, around pancreas area and in his neck are a little improved. Both places are a little smaller than the last scan.
The BAD is that two small places have showed up in his liver.
He is to take some pills daily until next Monday. Three pills twice daily. These are same pills he took each day he got radiation before. They were to help the radiation work better. Earl says they are chemo pills.... he is to take them 14 days straight. No weekends off. Then, he will be off seven days.
He goes to see Dr next Monday and will get new treatment following. Different chemo combo is relatively new for pancreatic cancer treatment. It has been used for some time for colon cancer, but only approved for pancreatic about six months ago. If I remember correctly, he will get the chemo daily for two weeks.
Side effect is he will lose feeling or have numbness in his finger tips. If he stays on it for some time, he will have numbness in his feet. Didn't think to ask if it would clear up after treatments ended. Sounds like treatments won't end until Earl decides he's had enough. We have discussed it not being worth being deathly sick and having no quality of life just to buy a few weeks or months.
Earl has some fluid buildup in his abdominal cavity. Dr. said it like having an injury and the skin weeping. Not real bad at this point, but if it builds up to the point it makes his stomach pouch out, they can go in with needle and drain it off.
I so hated hearing Earl's cancer has spread into his liver. That scares me to death! When it gets into the liver, it is usually just not good news!
Earl's Dr. said today it is much too early to give up on treatments. Still said there is no cure, but "if I can buy you a couple of years"...... So, we plod on with some hope the new treatments will control the spread or, at least, slow it down.
Posted by
5:33 PM
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Sam T. update
I'm not sure we're ready to celebrate, but when Mother called she was told by a lady in the doctor's office that Dad's test was good and did not indicate any major problems. They did not make any changes in his medications. Call us if he has further problems.
There was no "come in to see the doctor to go over the findings". Nothing from his doctor.
I suggested to Mother that she call and request a copy of the test results, so we can read just what the test did reveal.
Something has to be causing the pain and weakness. So.... where do we go from here?
Posted by
12:30 AM
Labels: Sam T
Friday, October 10, 2008
Opal update
Opal has had a rough week. Still having some fever at times. Very weak. She goes from the bed to lift chair and back to the bed.
Levaquin, the antibiotic, caused her to talk and ramble for hours at night. She said she dreamed or imagined she was falling, sliding out of her chair, falling out of bed, etc. She had several of the side effects associated with the drug.
- The most common side effects caused by LEVAQUIN, which are usually mild, include nausea, diarrhea, itching, abdominal pain, dizziness, flatulence, rash and vaginitis in women.
- Quinolones, including LEVAQUIN, may also cause central nervous system stimulation which may lead to tremors, restlessness, anxiety, lightheadedness, confusion, hallucinations, paranoia, depression, nightmares, insomnia, and rarely, suicidal thoughts or acts.
She has been eating a little more the last two days, but still not very much.
Posted by
11:58 PM
Labels: Opal
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Ruby T (Lillian's Mom)

She will be 91 years young in December and continues to teach every Sunday. Her "Faithful Gleaners" ladies class gave her the flowers she is wearing in this photo.
Mom, I'm proud of you for your many years of service to the church and your dedication to your Lord and Savior.
I Love You,
Posted by
12:21 AM
Labels: Ruby T
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Update on Earl's Mother
I came home at lunch today to try to get her to eat something. Decided to help her with her shower. She took a very short one and then needed help drying off. I could see right then, she was even weaker than I knew. So, I had Earl call her doctor. He wasn't available, but an intern was available, I told Earl we would go see anyone.
The intern, Doug, drew blood and ordered a chest x-ray. X-ray was clear. Her heart rate was 120. (She has been breathing very hard for last few days.) White count should have been 10,000. It was 30,000! Infection somewhere!! Urine test showed signs of blood and lot of infection. He said elderly can have these bladder infections and never have anything other than fever and feeling bad.
Antibiotic prescribed. We were sent down to outpatient lab for them to draw LOTS of blood from both arms to do a blood culture. Doug said bad infections like this in the elderly can get into the blood stream. They will grow a culture to make sure she doesn't have this infection spread all over.
She was told to drink a lot of fluids. Anything goes, except caffeine. Doug also mentioned dehydration. Opal never drinks much water. Mainly just tea with her meals and coffee in the morning. Nothing else was ever mentioned about her heart rate being high. If that doesn't get better as the antibiotic kicks in, I will check on that again. We have to take her back for check up on Monday.
Liana says dehydration can cause fever, dizziness, weakness. All of which Opal had. She fell three times between Fri afternoon and Sun. night. So, her symptoms could have been caused by either/both dehydration and bladder infection.
Doug said Opal would have continued to get worse, so hope we got her to doctor in time.
Posted by
11:44 PM
Labels: Opal
Monday, October 6, 2008
Lillian's nephew, Ryan (Oregon)
My nephew, Ryan Overstreet, has cancer that has spread basically all over his torso in last couple of months. If the treatments he got every day last week don't help, he's been told there's not much else that can be done for him. He's 35. He & wife, Cindy, have two small children ages 4 & 7.
Wish I had some good news about something.... just not much right now.
If you are looking for something to pray about, you've come to the right place. So many needs here! Read on..... three more posts today.
Posted by
10:06 AM
Labels: Ryan
Lillian's Dad - Sam T
Dad is having a lot of leg pain. He went to Dr. last week. Was told that circulation in his left leg or maybe both legs was at 50% five years ago. In 2005 it was only 70%. Now, Dr is saying he has very little circulation in his left leg. He goes tomorrow, Tuesday, for tests to find out just how bad it is. Dad is practically dragging his left leg. He can't climb steps or ladder. He steps up with right leg and drags left one up.
Dad told me he has been to four doctors over the years and not one of them told him anything about what might be wrong. Now he has no circulation!
Dr. told him if the blockage needs action, they can clean out the arteries in his legs with something like a roto-rooter. Also same deal with his neck arteries. He seems concerned about having this done. He knows of a couple of people who died following the procedure because of clots breaking lose and hitting brain or heart. Don't know what he will opt to do or if he will have much choice.
Posted by
9:58 AM
Labels: Sam T
Earl's mother, Opal
Opal, Earl's 91 yr old mother, fell twice Friday afternoon within about two hours. First time in her living room. Second time she fell in the bathroom & hit her head on the bathtub and got a knot on back/top of her head where I would call the crown. She had just fallen right before I walked in from work. She was laying with her head/neck cocked up on the bathtub. Wonder she hadn't broken her neck.
She couldn't hold her head up straight for last two days. We have been so torn about taking her to the hospital. She keeps saying she is ok, that her neck is just stiff/sore. I know she doesn't want to go, but we'll feel terrible if she has injuries that need attention. She was already feeble, so it's hard to know what is "new" feeble.
She's had a fever last 3-4 days, not feeling well. Barely eating. She got a flu shot on Tues. this week & thinks this is a reaction to the shot. I doubt that, since she has had flu shots for years with no problems before. But, she sure seems to have flu like something. Says she aches all over, which could be from the falls. Earl had a fever Wed, so I guess they could have picked up something at the Dr. office.
Then, she fell again last night about 8 p.m. She was in bed but wanted a TV remote. I'm not sure where it was. Probably on her dresser. Anyway, she fell and her head was wedged between her bed and the night stand. I had a time trying to get her out and into a sitting position. She was on her side and didn't bend the way I needed her to in order to sit her up. Every time she fell, we called my Dad to help pick her up. I shouldn't try and Earl isn't strong enough. Lucky Dad was here.
She had a dime size raw place on her forehead and scrape place across her forehead. Scrape, more like redness or bruising on the side of her neck from below her ear almost to collar bone. No idea how that happened. Or even which fall it came from. She has a big bruise on the back of her left elbow. No telling where all she is black and blue. I'm amazed she doesn't seem to have broken anything!
Last time she was up about 5:30, she said she wasn't dizzy anymore. She didn't feel like she still had fever. When she wakes again we can try to assess the situation and decide what we're going to do. Call doctor or take her on to the hospital. Maybe both? Maybe nothing! She can be one stubborn lady!
Posted by
9:44 AM
Labels: Opal
Earl update
I'm sorry I haven't had the heart to update this lately. We got news on the 29th that Earl's CA19-9 had gone up this last time. When they found the cancer was back in late July, it was 43. As treatment progressed it fell to 39 and 30. This last time it had gone up to 58. Dr. did say the CA19-9 will go up/down during treatment. Will be doing another test on that, too.
Earl will have PET scan on Oct 8 & will see Dr for results on Oct 13th. Scan is only thing that will show, for sure, what is going on. We're hoping for some good news. Would make a good birthday present. (His bday is Oct. 9th)
If the cancer is spreading/growing, there are other things that can be added to current chemo. In other words, doubling up on chemo. This will also be harder on him.
No chemo this week.
Please continue to remember Earl in prayer.
Posted by
8:30 AM
Labels: CA19-9
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Gladys update from Sandra
Thanks so much for your prayers and concern during mother's
recent hospital stay. She spent a week - 9/9-9/17 - because
of inflammation in her abdomen around the surgical site of
her bowel resection. The main treatment was IV antibiotics
and pain medication. She is doing some better, but will
remain on a mainly liquid diet for another couple of weeks.
We took her back to her apartment in Morningview Assisted
Living yesterday afternoon, so she is much happier! Please
continue to pray that she will improve, and regain her
strength. She continues to be very weak, and time will
tell if she will be able to continue living in the assisted
living apartment.
We really appreciate all of your prayers, calls, messages
and visits!
Thanks so much.
Posted by
7:32 PM
Labels: Gladys T Russell Yeaton
Monday, September 15, 2008
Earl - Monday 9/15/08
Blood work today showed Earl's potassium is low, so he was instructed to eat bananas. He also has a bladder infection again, which is likely the cause of the fevers. So, he's back on antibiotics. This just makes round 5 or 6.... I've lost count.
He did get chemo today. He also got two shots for the diarrhea. Hope it works better this time. Just hope the double dose doesn't stop .... everything! When I got home today, he was so pale. He looks so washed out! When I mentioned it, he said I was the second person to tell him that today. He said he felt ok, just tired. Guess it's no wonder with all that's going on with him right now.
He goes back next Monday for blood work and follow-up. He will see the Doctor on the 29th.
Please pray for strength for Earl to get thru the treatments, the infection, the diarrhea. He has so much going on, it's hard to even know how to ask you to pray. Just remember him.
Posted by
8:32 PM
Update on Aunt Gladys from Sandra
Some of you are aware that mother was readmitted to the
hospital last Tuesday evening for excessive pain near her
recent incision site. She was doing very well after her
bowel resection done on Aug. 9th, and had returned to her
apartment in assisted living on Sat. Sept. 6th.
Unfortunately, that was very short-lived. She has been in
the hospital for a week this time, and the doctor informed
me this morning that her pain is coming from the lower
right side of her colon. Apparently, it is very inflamed
and swollen, which causes her extreme pain each time she
eats. They are able to control the pain with morphine,
but that isn't a good long term solution.
The doctor says poor circulation in the area is the main
cause of it not healing as it should. At 91 years old,
mother's circulation isn't good, so the healing may take
a long time, if at all. I am not sure whether or not she
will be able to return to assisted living if she must be
on strong pain medication - probably not.
She is very alert, and aware of all that is going on with
her. Just pray that the Lord will do whatever is best for her.
Thanks for your support!
Posted by
8:23 PM
Labels: Gladys T Russell Yeaton
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Gladys back in hospital on Sept. 9th
Gladys spent three days back in her room. She called Sandra Tues. afternoon saying she was having a lot of pain. At recommendation of the assisted living staff, Sandra took Gladys to the ER. A CT scan without contrast showed swelling and inflammation in the area of her surgery.
She was admitted that night and has continued to have pain, which seems to be much worse in the evenings. She has been on IV antibiotics since being admitted.
A CT scan with contrast was done Saturday and they should get results of it on Monday and find out what the Doctor recommends next.
When Sandra went to see her around noon today, Gladys was sitting up eating her lunch. Seemed to be okay then.
Posted by
10:49 PM
Labels: Gladys T Russell Yeaton
Saturday 3 a.m.
Earl woke me Saturday 3 a.m. with a fever of 103 degrees. This is the third round of fever he has had in last 10 days. He goes for chemo tomorrow and will let them know about this before he gets lab or chemo.
Posted by
10:41 PM
Friday, September 12, 2008
Thursday fever again!
Thursday was another rough day for Earl. He had a fever again. Felt bad all day. Did not even try to work much. Still has the diarrhea. Not as bad, but still a problem. I worry about dehydration.
Earl feels better today. Just weak.
Posted by
10:59 PM
Monday, September 8, 2008
Gladys is back in her apartment
Talked to Sandra today. Gladys was moved back into her apartment in Assisted Living on Saturday, Sept. 6th.
Sandra was met at the door by staff yesterday when she went to see her Mother. Gladys did not go to breakfast or lunch on Sunday. She promised Sandra she would go for the evening meal, but she only ate a couple of bites. She is still drinking her Strawberry Ensure.
It's only been four weeks since her surgery. We hope she will begin to regain her appetite, so she can build up her strength.
Please continue to pray for the family during these trying times.
Posted by
3:06 PM
Labels: Gladys T Russell Yeaton
Earl's test results from Sept. 3rd.
Guess we got some good news. I would have been happier with better, but Dr. seemed satisfied that the numbers have come down some. Count started out at 43, dropped to 39 (we didn't even know that) and today (last Wed.) it was 30. At least, it isn't going UP!
Earl was down to 159 lbs. today. Lost a little. Not surprised.... since he is still dealing with the diarrhea. Plus, he had a fever from Thurs until late Saturday. We don't know what that was all about.
Earl will go back tomorrow for chemo, then again next Monday. Off on the 22nd and will see Dr. again on 29th. Earl will get another shot for the diarrhea on 29th, unless it is still a BIG problem next week, then he can get one on the 22nd. He has to wait 30 days between shots. Dr. said they would give Earl a larger dose next time to try to control it better.
Dr. was most pleased that Earl's back pain has been gone for last two to three weeks. He said that says more than the CA19-9 count.
Dr. went to M.D. Anderson conference last week. He said nothing he learned there indicated anything else would work any better than what Earl is already getting in the way of chemo. Nothing suggested that giving Earl a combination of drugs would work any better, either. Would just be a lot harder on him.
So, I guess we just keep hammering away with the current treatment and PRAY a lot!
Posted by
2:53 PM
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Blood work on Wed. 9/3/08
Earl has completed four treatments and will be going for blood work tomorrow. The main test we'll be anxious to see the results for is the CA19-9. This was 40 before he began this series of chemo. Please pray that the chemo is working and that count will be much lower. We are to get the results on Sept. 8th.
Earl is optimistic that the chemo is helping. His pain at night has been much better the last couple of weeks. We hope this is an indication that good things are happening!
Earl fell twice on Sunday. Once at church as he was walking down front right before he started up on the stage for practice before the church service. He was carrying his trumpet case. Might have bumped his foot on it. Knocked skin off the back of his arm above the elbow about 3-4". Place less than the size of a dime. No idea how he did that.
Later Sun. evening he stumbled and about fell over the coffee table in the LR. Julie had been coloring with Liana's markers earlier in the day. He hit his wrist on the small metal suitcase like box with the markers it it. The lid was up and the corner sharp. He has a gash about 3" long. It's kinda ragged. Hope it doesn't get infected!
Monday, he hit his hand on something.... he doesn't even know when/how.... and knocked a hunk of skin off the back of his hand. His skin is so thin. It doesn't take much to bruise or tear his skin.
We appreciate your concern, encouragement and definitely all your prayers.
Posted by
11:17 PM
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Update on Aunt Gladys
Spoke to Sandra this morning. Gladys will be staying in transitional care for another week or so. She is just not strong enough to return to her room at this time.
She gets short of breath when she walks any distance (Still using walker). She is still not eating enough to regain the strength she needs to be able to go back to her quarters.
She is very disappointed! She wants to go back to her room!!
Please continue to pray for her.
Posted by
8:29 PM
Labels: Gladys T Russell Yeaton
Monday, August 18, 2008
Earl's third chemo treatment
Earl received the third round of chemo today. He will get a fourth treatment next Monday. Then he will go in on Sept. 3rd for blood work to see what his CA19-9 is. This will give them some idea as to how the chemo is working.
He also got a shot today to help with the diarrhea. He got the shot around noon and can tell tonight that it is helping. The shot is supposed to work for 30 days!! This has been such a big problem for weeks. I know he will be so happy, if it really works.
Earl will go back to get results of blood work on Sept. 8th.
Posted by
9:55 PM
Update on Aunt Gladys
Email from Sandra on 8/18/08:
Thank you so much for your prayers, visits, and encouragement
for mother. Ten days after her bowel resection, which is a
major surgery for a 40 yr. old, she is leaving the hospital
today to go to Morningview Transitional Care.
She is doing well with the pain, and is determined to get
her strength back again. At 91 yrs. old, it may take a few
weeks to get her back to the point she can again live in her
assisted living apartment, but she is determined. Mom is
having difficulty eating, as nothing tastes good wish I had
that problem!), but she is faithfully drinking Ensure each day
which will provide some nourishment.
She is most upset about missing so many Sundays at Madison
Avenue! I appreciate all who have come to visit her.
When she gets to Morningview Transitional Care, she will be
listed as Gladys Russell.
Thanks so much for caring!
Posted by
9:49 PM
Labels: Gladys T Russell Yeaton
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Up on Aunt Gladys
Aunt Gladys is having good days and not so good days. Her bowels and kidneys seem to be back on course. They have been getting her to walk some. She sits up on side of bed to eat. When she walks she has pain at her incision. Pain seems to be her main problem. She may get out of the hospital Monday or Tuesday.
Posted by
9:21 PM
Labels: Gladys T Russell Yeaton
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Update on Earl's treatments
Took Earl back to the doctor last Friday for his second shot. Turns out he wasn't supposed to get another one that soon. We didn't find out why he had been told to come back. Wasted trip!
Blood work on Monday showed his white count is much improved. He is scheduled for the third treatment next Monday. Then a scan to see if the chemo is doing anything. No schedule yet for scan.
Please continue to pray!
Posted by
7:46 PM
Update on Gladys
(Copied from email Tues afternoon)
Thanks so much for the prayers for mother's recovery!
After her bowel resection last Friday, we were afraid
she was facing renal failure over the weekend. Her
doctors have done a great job of dealing with that,
and she has apparently "turned the corner" today.
The doctors have reduced the amount of pain medication
she is receiving, so the pain is a problem. They felt
she needed to be more alert to be able to get up, and
sit in a chair, etc. Today her bowel system worked,
so there was celebration by the nurses!
We all know that 91 years is a good, long life, but
I think mother plans to be here a good while longer.
Thanks again for prayers and support.
Posted by
7:37 PM
Labels: Gladys T Russell Yeaton
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Update on Aunt Gladys
Surgeon removed about 10" of her colon, untwisted a kink that was found in her colon below the tumor, and repaired a hernia. She was having a lot of pain after surgery, so an epidural was done to help control that. Doctor now thinks the kink/twist may have been causing the blockage.
At 4 p.m. Saturday, her kidneys are not working very well. She has been given a lot of IV's to try to get her kidneys working, but is not having much output yet. Nurses were trying to contact the Doctor to find out what should be done about her kidneys.
She is doing better. Not having very much pain today. Not using much pain medicine.
Please remember her and her family as you pray.
Lillian Lancaster
Posted by
2:31 AM
Labels: Gladys T Russell Yeaton
Surgery for my Aunt
Gladys Russell, my Aunt, spent eight days in the hospital
week before last. She was having abdominal pain and Dr.
thought her stomach was just not emptying because the
muscles were not working right. She was put on a drug to
make the stomach contract and hopefully empty better.
She had been out of the hospital for seven or eight days
when she was re-admitted to the hospital this week due to
bleeding from colon. Her daughter, Sandra, was called
at 4 a.m. and went and picked her up and took her to the
A colonoscopy was done Thursday. They found the bleeding came
from diviticulitus(sp?). Looking higher up in the colon, they
found a cancerous tumor that was virtually blocking her colon.
This may have been the reason for her stomach not emptying.
If not for the bleeding, the tumor would likely not have been
Surgery is planned for sometime today (Friday). Doctor is to
meet with the family Fri. a.m.
Dr told Gladys that if she had to have the tumor, it was in
the best place. They should be able to remove it and do
resection. Dr. doing the scope did not think it was involved
outside her colon. He was pretty certain it is cancer. Biopsy
was taken.
Colon cancer seems to run in the Trentham family. If you
aren't being checked every five years, you should check
with your doctor. Colon cancer is so treatable, if found
early. Otherwise, it is a silent killer. THERE ARE NO SYMPTOMS
until it's too late! Ask me.... I know.
Posted by
2:18 AM
Labels: Gladys T Russell Yeaton
Friday, August 8, 2008
Second treatment
Earl went for his second chemo treatment on Monday. His white count was down to 1700, but they proceeded with treatment. He had to go back on Tues. to get a shot. Assume this was to aid in increasing his white count. He ached all over the next day.
He goes back today (Friday) for another shot. The third chemo treatment has been postponed. He will skip next Monday, so it will be two weeks between the 2nd & 3rd treatments. Guess this will depend on his white count by then.
He went thru 10 treatments last fall and his white count never got low. Now, after one treatment his white count is this low?? Same chemo.
Earl is still able to work most days. He went to Crossville today (Thurs) to office of a client. He is still having the back pain, when he lays down to sleep. Sitting straight up is only way to relieve the pain, until the Tylenol kicks in.
He has lost so much weight. Still around 160 lbs. He is concerned about his ability to continue playing handbells. He loves playing, but his bells are fairly heavy, so don't know if he will commit to another year.
Please continue to pray for Earl.
Thank you!
Posted by
4:14 AM
Monday, July 28, 2008
The Ugly Beast is Back!
Yes, it’s back! Earl’s cancer has returned… or maybe never left. His CA19-9, which has been less than two for the last year has jumped up to 40. Up to 35 is considered normal, but for Earl, it is elevated. He finished up his treatments at the end of December. So, it’s only been seven months.
He has been experiencing back pain in the kidney area of his back for a couple of months. It mainly occurs at night when he lays down. Tylenol has been controlling it fairly well. Doctors had been trying to track down the cause of the pain.
Then, he started losing weight around the end of May. He had lost 26 lbs. putting him down to 158. He has had no appetite during this time. He had gained about 5 lbs. in the last 10 days and was 165 today.
He is on his fifth round of antibiotics for a bladder infection that won’t clear up. It will clear up, but flares up again after the antibiotics stop. They thought the pain might be from the bladder infections. Another doctor thought it might be related to the radiation. Not according to the radiation doctor! It would have shown up much sooner after the radiation.
He finally called the Oncologist and when he found out Earl had lost so much weight so fast, he ordered a PET scan for last Thursday. We went this morning and got the news that his cancer is back and “glowing” in the area of the pancreas and has spread to lymph node(s) down deep on the left side of his heck…. behind the collar bone.
The Doctor, when asked, told Earl “It is fatal. I can’t cure you, but I think we can buy you some time”. So, we are back to square one. Without treatment, Earl may have six months. With treatment, he might have one to two years. All this will depend on how he responds to the chemo. It’s pretty much the same story we got, when this started in April of last year.
He was told today there were three different chemos he could be given, maybe all together. This would be very hard on him and make him very sick. They are going to try the same one he got the first time. See how he responds to it. Guess the others will be later options. He goes back tomorrow for chemo, then will continue on a Monday schedule.
Earl has contacted his Philadelphia surgeon, who has asked for copies of the PET scan and/or the report. Don’t know if he will have any suggestions or not. Additional surgery is out of the question, according to the Oncologist.
It’s been very hard telling the kids and the rest of the family. Earl’s Mother is 91 and is the last member of her family left. I know this will be very hard on her, as Earl is her only child. Her health is not the best, but she is still taking care of herself at this time. She has her own apartment, where our two car garage was.
We thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for all your prayers, support and encouragement during the past year. It has meant so much to us.
We again ask that you remember us as you pray. We are gearing up and will wage another battle against this powerful enemy. The war isn't over yet!
Posted by
4:11 PM
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Ryan's story continues
If you click on the "Overstreet" label way down on the right side, you will find earlier part of Ryan's story.
Ryan ended up having to change oncologist in January due to his insurance changing at work. This change resulted in him having to find new doctors. He ended up with the very doctor who treated Lance Armstrong. He is more aggressive in the treatments. Ryan was successfully treated with radiation and chemo and pronounced cancer free with the lung cancer.
Then, about two-three weeks ago, he got an infection in the lung connected with scar tissue. They did scans, x-rays.... something that included the upper part of the liver when they looked at the lung. Lungs did not show any cancer, but they did find a small place in the liver. Sounds like it was just a fluke that they even found this. Full body scan did not find any more cancer.
Ryan got a port put in yesterday and received his first round of chemo to treat the liver cancer. He will get three treatments, each three weeks apart. Then, they will go from there. His Dad (my brother) said this chemo will "knock him on his fanny" by the second round. Must be much worse than what he got for the lung cancer.
Ryan's job, where he had worked for 12 years, was eliminated some time in April (I think). So, he is still out of work at this time.
The company paid insurance will end Oct. 1st. Please keep Ryan in your prayers. Times are very hard for the family right now.
Posted by
7:54 PM
Labels: Overstreet
More pain
Earl has appointment with oncology doctor on Monday to get checked some more. He is still having pain. I finally got him to call the radiation doctor, since everyone else keeps telling him they think the pain is from the radiation. When he did call the radiation office, he was told that they did not think this long out would be related to the radiation. If the radiation was going to cause problems, it would have happened within a couple of months of the treatments.
We're thinking again that it is likely his kidneys. He says the burning has started again, too. I had him start drinking cranberry juice yesterday and he says he feels better today. I just hope they'll DO something.... find out what is causing the pain.
Posted by
7:46 PM
Friday, July 4, 2008
Trip to Atlanta
Earl seems to be doing a little better. His back pain has been less the last few days. He is still taking the muscle relaxers.
He attended an IRS seminar in Atlanta this week. Left here on Monday. Seminar was Tues-Thurs. He also met with two clients in the evenings. He got back home around 8:30 last night.
He said his back didn't hurt Tues & Wed nights in Atlanta. If it hurt last night, he's going to blame it on our bed!! Just wait.... I know he will. :-)
Posted by
7:11 AM
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Update on Earl
Well..... we don't know for sure what is going on. Tests show there is nothing. No infection, no kidney stone(s), no bone cancer.
Earl went back to primary doctor yesterday. They've about decided all the back pain is somehow related to the radiation. The nurse used to work for our Oncology doctor and said she had seen this happen numerous times over the years. It just takes time to get over it, but can be a very painful process. No one has given Earl any idea of how long this may continue. Guess every case is different.
The doctor gave Earl a prescription for a muscle relaxer. Earl tried them last night. Worked fairly quickly to ease the pain, but did not last. He had to take Tylenol, too. Then, took another muscle relaxer after about six hours (instead of eight, as directed).
It is a big relief to finally know there is nothing major wrong. I just wish he could get some rest. This is an every night thing. Sitting straight up on the side of the bed seems to be the only thing he can do that helps. He takes Tylenol and then sits there until the pain eases.
Posted by
11:03 AM
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Good trip to Philly
Dr. Watson was smiling today! That, in itself, was impressive.
Dr. W stated that he was impressed that Earl is doing well one year later. All the scans and lab reports were reviewed and all were clear for cancer.
The only concern is the back pain Earl is still experiencing mainly at night. Earl is to call and arrange for an x-ray to look for a possible kidney stone. Earl keeps saying it feels like the pain he had with a stone years ago. He plans to keep pushing the doctors here to find out what is going on. We hope they will figure it out.
Posted by
10:36 PM
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Update June 14th
Earl is a little better (he says), but I still find him sitting up on side of bed during the night waiting for the Tylenol to kick in.
He did talk to a nurse at the doctor's office day before yesterday. She still says the discomfort is from the bladder infection. He still has medication to take thru Tuesday. If he is still hurting then, he is to call and see the Doctor again.
He will be flying to Philadelphia on Wed. to see Dr. Watson for his one year checkup. He will be taking scans done here for the doctors in Philly to view.
Please continue to pray that the scans are clear and there is no sign of a recurrence.
Posted by
1:23 PM
Thursday, June 5, 2008
No stone
Earl finally called the Doctor and was told the pain is associated with the bladder infection. So he has been given an even stronger, fourth antibiotic. He is to take this one twice daily for 14 days. This infection is just not going away. We hope this med will take care of it.
Posted by
12:37 AM
Friday, May 30, 2008
Another scare!
I feel like we are getting really paranoid. With all that is going on with Thomas, we are so ready to read every ache or pain as "something" wrong.
For the last three weeks or more, Earl has been experiencing "back pain", mostly at night. I have been finding him sitting up on the side of the bed at all hours just about every night. He comments that his back is hurting and he has taken Tylenol. The pain would ease off after a little while and he would go back to sleep.
He has been told that if the pancreatic cancer came back he would likely begin having sharp, shooting pains in his back. What he has been experiencing were not sharp or shooting, but definitely pain. It is located just below the center of his back. Not really in his spine, but "inside" he said. We haven't been able to understand why only at night. When it first started, he thought it might be weak back from sitting so much the last few months. I thought it was too high up on his back and had asked him if it might be a kidney infection.
He had some pain during the day yesterday. Last night was really a bad night. Over about six hours he took just about every pain med he could find and nothing helped. He took five or six different pain pills. He has quite a supply he has accumulated over the past year! He tried them all! He said nothing helped. I'm surprised he didn't OD. I couldn't believe it when he rattled off all he had taken!!
Finally, early this morning he went to the bathroom and said the pain eased off afterward. So, he thinks he may have a kidney stone on the move. No pain during today. I just went in to check on him (2 a.m.) and he is sitting on the side of the bed again. Said the pain is not anywhere near as bad as last night. A Tylenol is helping tonight, so hope he will be able to get some rest tonight. 2:15 a.m. and he has laid down.
Many years ago, he had a kidney stone that started moving the day before Thanksgiving and he finally passed it the day before Christmas. What a month!
I would really hate for Earl to have a kidney stone, but would sure rather it be that than cancer.
Please pray for Earl to get some relief from this pain. I hope he will go back to the doctor and see if they can do x-ray or whatever to look for the cause of this pain. Recent scans did not show anything, but I don't know if they were even looking for something like a kidney stone. They were concerned about the bladder problems then.
My nap earlier tonight is wearing off.... guess I need to get to bed as tomorrow is another work day!
Posted by
1:47 AM
Friday, May 23, 2008
The Doctor called....
The Doctor himself called Earl saying "I've got good news!" Kinda scared Earl at first that the Doctor actually called. But, everything tested "No cancer", just some kind of infection, apparently related someway to the chemo and/or radiation.
Earl is on his third round of antibiotics. Guess we'll see how it goes. The urologist has turned Earl back over to the Primary Care doctor for follow-up.
Guess we can quit worrying for a while. At least, until the next scan.
Earl is to return to Philadelphia on June 18th for his one year check-up. He reminded me last night that June 4th is anniversary of his surgery. (I already remembered or had not forgotten.... that date will stick with me for a long time!)
Now, if Earl can just make it thru this second year the Philly doctors will be happier and we'll rest easier, too.
Posted by
4:05 PM
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Test results, another procedure
Scope of Earl's bladder this week revealed two places. One is a red almost star shape place and the other is a polyp type protrusion.
The doctor has scheduled a biopsy to be done in out-patient surgery on May 13th. Tests on the biopsy will tell what type of infection it is. Doctor is assuming it is an infection, since prior urine tests have not indicated cancer.
We hope and pray that this is just a severe infection and the biopsy will help the doctor prescribe the proper antibiotic to clear it up.
Posted by
10:38 AM
Friday, May 2, 2008
This month.... another concern
Earl has been to several doctors in the past month. His problem is blood in his urine. About a month ago, his urine was very red for about two days. By the time he could get in to see a doctor, it had cleared up as far as he could tell, but analysis still detected blood being present.
He has gone thru two rounds of antibiotics, which has not stopped or cleared up the problem. The urologist will do a scope of his bladder in about a week to try to find the problem. Recent scans have not picked up any cancer. Dr. says he sees this often after people have had radiation.
Last night, Earl complained about his lower back hurting. We hope that is just weak muscles from sitting so many long hours during tax season. I know Earl is probably getting a bit paranoid because of what is happening with Thomas (Melanoma). Every little ache and pain becomes a big fear that something might be going wrong.
Please pray that these things will not turn out to be a serious problem and that they can be managed in some way.
Posted by
7:26 AM
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Earl - another scan
Earl's doctor is ordering CT scans about every two months. He had another one done on Monday this week. He will take the scan (on disk) to the radiation doctor on Thurs. (later today). It will be compared to the last one. Pray there is no change!
Posted by
12:12 AM
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
New blog for Thomas
I have created a new blog for Thomas. All news about him will now be published at:
Thomas' blog
Please bookmark it so you can keep up with what's happening with him.
It is at http://tabright.blogspot.com/
Posted by
6:26 PM
Labels: Melanoma, Thomas Bright
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Thomas update from Pat
While talking to Pat at lunch, she said the tumor is on the outside of his spine where it will be easier for surgeon to get to it, though it is squeezing the spine and putting pressure on the spinal cord. It is located just about center between waist and neck. There is no involvement with any of his organs. The other spots are located in upper right chest apparently in the chest wall or just under it. They will be harder to get to them. (Lillian)
This is an update from Pat that she emailed to co-workers this morning:
I want to take a moment to bring you up to date. Many of you may remember my son-in-law Thomas, who 4 and half years ago, at the age of 18 during his senior yr in high school, was diagnosed with melanoma cancer and went through 3 surgeries over the next couple of years fighting this ugly demon.
In the past 4 years Thomas and Stacie have been living a great life, he has already became a sales manager for Carmax (youngest in the entire corporation) and they now have a beautiful little girl, Julie, who just turned 3. They live in South Carolina presently due to Thomas’s job.
What I am now asking is that you put Thomas in your prayers once more. He was again, as of yesterday, diagnosed with a melanoma tumor that is growing on his spine. They came home last night for him to meet with his cancer doctors on Wednesday to hurriedly get him into surgery to remove this tumor.
He has already lost most of the feeling in his legs and has tingling sensations throughout his body, otherwise, this tumor is putting pressure on the spine where it is slowing paralyzing him. He also has two spots that showed up on his scan last Tuesday behind the front chest cavity. This all has occurred within the past couple of months. When he had his scan done in December 2007, all was still clear.
This is such a fast growing and can be such a deadly cancer. I beg of you all, please put Thomas in your prayers that he will again defeat this ugly beast.
I thank all of you for all your prayers, concerns and help in the past and I’m reaching out to you again.
Pat Carver
Posted by
11:17 AM
Monday, April 14, 2008
Thomas Bright
Thomas Bright is married to my niece, Stacie Carver. Stacie is the daughter of my sister, Pat and Tom Carver. Thomas had his 25th birthday in November 2007. Thomas and Stacie have a three year old daughter, Julie.
Thomas found out today that the melanoma is back in the form of a tumor attached to his spine. There are also a couple of "spots" in his chest that may possibly be in his lung(s).
Don't have much info. They are coming in from SC tonight. He is to see his doctors here on Wednesday. Surgery may be on Friday. This will be his 4th or 5th melanoma surgery. He has been having back pain for last 3-4 weeks. No info on size of tumor.
Please pray for Thomas & Stacie. We are so afraid this is the dreaded recurrence that will take him from us. There is no chemo for melanoma, so don't know what treatment might be available.
What follows are notes I found that were made over the years going back to the other surgeries.
In the Fall of 2002, thinking his cancer had been “taken care of”, Thomas asked Stacie Carver to marry him. Soon after she accepted his proposal, a knot showed up in one of his lymph nodes on that left side of his neck. He had another surgery to remove all of the remaining lymph nodes on the left side of his neck from under the point of his chin all the way around past his left ear. It had only been about ten months since he was first diagnosed.
There is no chemo for Melanoma. Thomas had radiation for several weeks. He then started on a year long series of treatments, which he injects under his skin three days a week. This causes his body to produce more of the stuff that naturally fights infection/cancer. After each injection, he has fever and chills, which were gone by morning. This leaves him weak, run down and feeling awful during the next day. Even with the radiation and treatments, Thomas has only been given 50-50 chance of beating this wicked form of cancer.
They originally planned to marry in 2004, after Thomas completed his treatments and Stacie finished her courses at East Tennessee School of Beauty. In Thomas’ case, life is uncertain. He and Stacie decided waiting might not be their wisest decision. So, they set their wedding date for May 6, 2003. Two days after the invitations were mailed, Thomas had a biopsy done on a small knot on the right side of his neck that he had been told “wasn’t anything to worry about”. Only six months into treatment, another cancerous knot had formed.
Thomas had surgery again on Tuesday, April 29, 2003. This five-hour surgery removed all of the lymph nodes from where the previous surgery stopped at his chin all the way around to his right ear. He is scheduled to have the drain tube and staples removed on Monday, May 5th, then he and Stacie will marry the next evening.
Stacie's boyfriend, Thomas Bright, had major surgery on Tuesday, Sept. 17, 2002. His cancer (melanoma) came back in his neck. The melanoma he had on his neck last November 2001 was on the outside skin. This one was in the lymph nodes on that same left side of his neck, only it was inside. Knot formed that was growing fast.
This really scared them. Pat was checking out M D Anderson Hospital in Houston, TX as it is known as a really GOOD cancer hospital. Dr. Roseman, in Maryville, is very good doctor that took off the first cancer. He referred Thomas to Dr. Mark Overholt to take care of this second cancer.
When Pat and Thomas went to Overholt on Wed, 9/11/2002, during the get acquainted talk, Dr. O said he met his wife at M D Anderson. Pat could hardly wait for him to finish speaking to ask him "What did you say your connection with M D Anderson was?" He said that's where I met my wife. Pat then told him she had been trying to figure a way to ask him about possibly sending Thomas to Texas for surgery, treatment, etc.
Dr. Overholt said "You're looking at M D Anderson, that's where I studied and got my Doctorate”. Pat was SO HAPPY. This Dr. O is one of two doctors in the whole state of Tenn. that is capable of doing Thomas' surgery. (Other one is in West Tn.) He removed all the lymph nodes from Thomas' chin around past his left ear. He has NO nodes now on that side of his neck. The incision starts at the point of Thomas' chin, angles down and across almost to the base of his neck..... across and back up about two inches behind his ear. Dr stapled that long incision about every 16th of an inch!
Dr O told Thomas before the surgery that he would definitely have radiation and treatment following surgery this time. Dr. O did tell them after surgery that this one was not as deep as he had thought... it was more on top of the muscle, etc. Dr O had told Thomas that he would probably lose feeling in his left ear (which he did) and might lose some function of his face (smile crooked) and maybe ability to shrug his shoulder. Since it wasn't so deep, Dr was able to save Thomas' sweet smile. Guess the shoulder is OK, too.
Dr. O had wanted to get this OUT the next day, but no operating rooms available. Dr. O is at Ft. Sanders Park West and only available place was at Ft. Sanders Regional (at UT area) on Tues. They had to wait six days. These two hospitals are about 10 miles apart, owned by same outfit.
Sandra (works at Blount Memorial hospital in Maryville) told me that when I told her Roseman had referred Thomas to someone else, she knew this was a hard case. Roseman is one of the best in this area, so for him to refer Thomas didn't sound good. Dr. O told Thomas he couldn't be in better hands for treatment and radiation, that Dr R is very good.
We now hope and pray that all these good doctors can save Thomas. Keep him in your prayers. He's just 19 (in 2001), much too young!!!
Thomas bought Stacie an engagement ring a couple of months ago, plans to ask her to marry him on her birthday, Sept. 28th when she turns 18. Sure hope all this doesn't .... Well, never mind, I just don't want to go there!
Thomas had last radiation treatment on Oct 19, 2002 To start other treatment week after Thanksgiving.
Posted by
8:41 PM
Labels: Melanoma, Photos, Thomas Bright
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Lillian's Aunt Kate died 11 Mar 2008
(By: Lillian Trentham Lancaster)

Kate Trentham Stogner, age 93 of Rogersville, Tennessee, born October 15, 1914 in Gatlinburg, TN went home to be with the Lord on Tuesday, March 11, 2008.
Kate Stogner was preceded in death by her beloved husband of 63 years Reverend
James Hulett (J. H.) Stogner, parents Noah & Mary Jane Ogle Carr Trentham, brother Harmon Trentham and several half-brothers and half-sisters (Orlie, Lillie (Watson), Mack, Willie, Munsey Trentham, Wesley Carr, Ollie Carr Trentham, Mayme Carr Trentham... added by Lillian). Kate worked at Pigeon Forge Pottery in the early 1950's. She was a faithful wife and devoted mother who enjoyed being at home with her family.
Her survivors include her:
Children: James and wife Wanda of Rogersville, Dorothy and husband Sidney Lawson of Rogersville, Ronald and wife Darlene of McDonough, Georgia, Doris Stogner of Sevierville, and Esta and husband Larry Campbell of Knoxville.
Six grandchildren: Denise Lawson Collier, Patrick Stogner, Stacy Lawson Brewer, Alan Stogner, Michelle Franklin Finchum and Damon Stogner
Six great-grandchildren: Trey, Mark & Lacy Collier and Bronson, Sydney & Brody Brewer.
Brother: Sam E. Trentham
Sisters: Gladys Russell and Bonnie T. Myers
Kate Stogner was blessed with a long and healthy life, a wealth of family and friends and an assurance that someday the Lord would come to take her to a heavenly home prepared just for her.
In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to local missions.
Funeral celebration service 7 PM Friday at Atchley's Smoky Mountain Chapel in Pigeon Forge with Rev. Troy Cody and Rev. Melvin Carr officiating. Entombment 10 AM Saturday in Smoky Mountain Memory Gardens. The family will receive friends 5-7 PM Friday at Atchley's Smoky Mountain Chapel, 220 Emert Street, Pigeon Forge, TN. (www.atchleyfuneralhome.com)
Posted by
11:15 PM
Labels: Kate T Stogner, Photos
Friday, February 22, 2008
Test results
The report about Earl's Barretts came in the form of a double postcard. It didn't really say much. Just stated he had Barretts and should follow-up with another biopsy within two years. We assume there is no big concern right now. He will be monitored over the years to make sure it doesn't change to cancer. Apparently it will not go away.
Earl is taking his daily Nexium and feels fine. Says he can't really tell any difference from before he started taking it. He has had no signs or pains of the ulcer, so guess the "marginal" indicates it was just beginning or in an early stage.
Posted by
7:29 PM
Labels: Barretts
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Earl has marginal ulcer & Barrett's esophagus
Philadelphia surgeon, Dr. Watson, said some people develop ulcers following the Whipple procedure that Earl had. He was right. Earl does have a large marginal ulcer. I haven't looked up the term "marginal" to know what this means. They seem likely to occur after any gastric surgery. Has something to do with the blood flow in that area. These photos show Earl's ulcer. We were told the ulcer should heal and Earl was put on Nexium to control the acid to allow healing.Then, there's his Barrett's esophagus that was discovered during the endoscopy procedure. We are supposed to get the results of the biopsy, taken on 2/8/08, within 10 days, so should get that next week. About 10% of Barrett's esophagus progresses to cancer of the esophagus. If he does not already have cancer of the esophagus, Earl will be monitored annually and he will be on medication to control the acid for the rest of his life. There is no cure for Barrett's other than medication to control acid reflux in an effort to slow or prevent further damage. I'll not go into the options now. Let's be optimistic until we know more.
Below are photos of the Barrett's. The first photo on left was taken on 1/31/08, when the procedure was aborted. The other three were taken Friday, 2/8/08.
The esophagus is normally a nice red color, perhaps like the red in the top photos of his ulcer. The salmon color suggests Barrett's. Wording under the two middle photos is "Mucosa suggestive of Barrett's esophagus". The last photo says "inlet patch".
I hope the photos don't upset anyone. I just find it interesting to be able to "see" what's going on and learn something new about our amazing bodies..... even when it's something going wrong. By the way, I did get Earl's permission to show all!
Will update when we know results of biopsy. Please continue to remember Earl as you pray. His options, if it is cancer, are not.... well..... I'm just not ready to share that. Just pray earnestly and diligently.
Thank you to all who stop by to keep tabs on Earl. Your caring interest means so much.
Posted by
11:19 PM
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Today's stomach scope aborted
As requested by Dr. Watson (Philadelphia surgeon),Earl had a CT scan done yesterday. Results later. He went for a stomach scope today (also at Dr. W's orders) to check for ulcers that might have resulted from the Whipple surgery. The procedure had to be aborted due to food still in his stomach from yesterday. Dr. said this is not uncommon following the type of surgery he had. So, he is rescheduled to go back to try again next Friday. He will be on clear liquids for 24 hours before Friday. His appt. is at 6:30 a.m!!
While Dr. was inserting the scope today, he noticed what he suspects is Barrett's esophagus.
This link explains. Barretts
Dr. will take biopsy next Friday, when he re-does the stomach scope.
Here we go again???
Posted by
12:56 AM
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Back to Philadelphia
Earl thought he was going to repeat last weeks canceled flight. After a hint of mechanical problems, pilot announced that the problem had been corrected and they would depart. Two weeks in a row? Not a real confidence builder!
Earl did make it to Fox Chase for his appointment with Dr. Watson. Everything looks good. Doctor has ordered a CT Scan and scope of his stomach. Scope is to look for ulcers, which can be a result of the surgery.
Earl is to go back on June 18th for his one year checkup. Locally, Earl was to see oncologist three times a year. Dr. Watson wants him checked four times, so he will be checked here every three months. Not sure if this will be just blood work or if some sort of scans will be done. Either way, it is comforting that the doctors will be keeping a closer watch on him.
Dr. Watson seemed pleased that Earl's CA19-9 was low, but stated this did not mean he might not have a recurrence. You might say he was "cautiously optimistic". IF.... he makes it to the two year anniversary, that will be a HUGE milestone. Apparently, pancreatic cancer most often recurs within two years.
Earl went up on the third floor where he spent his two stays at Fox Chase. He visited with the nurses at both the North and South nurses stations. He enjoyed seeing everyone. He was just glad he wasn't staying this time! No offense, ladies!
A man standing nearby heard Earl as he was telling the nurses he was cancer free. He later spoke to Earl, telling him his wife was having a very difficult time with her radiation for lung cancer. Earl offered to speak to her, which seemed to please the man. Turned out Earl had been in the very room and bed that his wife occupied now. She seemed to appreciate Earl's story and his words of encouragement. We pray Mrs. Taylor will be a survivor, too.
I wish I had been able to go with Earl, but I exhausted all my sick leave, when I took three weeks off for his surgery. I intend to go with him when he returns in June. It will be good to see everyone again.
We hope you will continue to pray for Earl as he travels further down his road to complete remission. We give thanks daily for Earl's survival to this point. We are very thankful for all your prayers and encouragement. You have been such an important part of the last nine months. Thank you!
He has already started into what looks like a very hectic tax season. I hope he will be able to pace himself and not overtax himself. Pun intended! ;-)
Posted by
10:31 AM
Friday, January 11, 2008
Flight canceled, Dr appt rescheduled
All passengers were on-board waiting for take-off. Then one of the pilots announced weather conditions, time to travel, etc. The usual announcements before take-off. Then, passengers were told there was a mechanical problem. They were asked to get off the plane and wait in the terminal where they would be more comfortable. They waited.... and waited..... finally the flight was canceled.
Some passengers were re-routed, but Earl had to call Drs office to re-schedule because none of the available flights would get him to Philly in time for his appt.
Now, he has appt and flight scheduled for next Wednesday. It'll probably snow next week!
Oh, well. The nurse told Earl they have time available on all Wednesdays in January. So, he'll make one of them.
Posted by
7:04 AM
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
He's off to Philly to see the Doctor
Earl continues to recover from the effects of his radiation, which ended Dec. 26th. His last tumor marker count was 3. (Normal is anything below 35.) During the last couple weeks of radiation and chemo pills, Earl did have redness in his hands. His right hand would swell for several hours during the day. His right thumb actually split open on the center of the end near the thumbnail. The place was about 3/8" long.
He's flying to Philadelphia, PA today for checkup with the surgeon, Dr. Watson. It will be interesting to learn what the good Doctor has to say now. His long term predictions back in June were not very encouraging. The odds of beating pancreatic cancer are just not very good.
Earl will be back home late this evening.
Posted by
7:13 AM